Tuesday, November 20, 2018

What I Am Currently Reading

I am currently reading a book called Night Blood by Elly Blake, ans it is already getting good. This is also the last book in the series.

Review on Acend by Amanda Hocking

This book that i have just finished is called Acend by Amanda Hocking and it's the last book in the Trylle trilogy. Still i recommend this to you people who truly love the love triangle thing.

So this book was about the same main character as the last two books, Wendy, and so she gets married to her trainer in the last book Torn. What happens after she gets married is that Loki ,the new character that kidnapped her, came to her and said that they should run away and then asked her to marry him. Not soon after Wendy's mother makes a treaty with their enemies the Vittra that they cannot attack come after the princess until after Wendy's coronation. But of course the king finds a way around not killing the Princess and started to attack the other villages in the kingdom. Now time is of the essence and Wendy realizes that she is the only one who can kill the king of the Vittra, also known as her father.

This book was just amazing and the ending was just spectacular and deserves a solid 5 star. Rember that i love getting book recommendations and the comments that you guys leave.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Torn by Amanda Hocking Review

I have just finished a great book called Torn by Amanda Hocking. This book truly brought out some fun twists and new characters.

In this book Wendy gets taken to the Vittra, her rivaling enemies, and finds a handsome bodyguard named Loki, but soon after she finds out that she needs to leave or someone she loves might die. When she gets home her mother is more busy than every since she must find a way to make peace until after Wendy's coronation, and plan a party for a marriage which needs to be announced. Even though Wendy must marry her trainer for protection her heart is with somebody else.

This story was just by far a great book and i would totally recommend this to people who love a good love triangle, but this time there is different characters in it, and lots of drama. I personally would give this a true 5 star rating just like the last book. Also, i like to read those comments that you leave for me also if there are any good books that you would like me to read let me know.

Review on Switched by Amanda Hocking

I have just finished another book called Switched by Amanda Hocking's it was just a UN-put-down- able book, i just loved it. I highly recommend this book for all love triangle fans.

This book was about a girl who is a changeling, meaning she was switched at birth with another person. She has these powers that can persuade people to do whatever she wants, but not that much later a guy named Finn says that he has been watching over her, and it is time to return home. Of course her home is the palace since she is a princess, her mother though seems to be not so happy with her, from what she sees. When she gets back everything is fine and all she has to do is learn everything about the new world that she lives in, and it has to happen before her christening. But during that party an attack is sent to the castle and she must do what she can to stay alive.

The book was just a great book and i just loved the ending that it had. I personaly would give this a 5 star rating since it was just fa-nominal.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Review Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink

Hey guys i have just finished a great book called Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink. This book is also the first book in the sisters trilogy. This book was just outstanding and i can't wait to read the next book.

This story is a fantasy about a girl named Lia and she is the older twin between her and her sister. She soon finds out that the tattoo on her arm is part of a prophecy that she and her sister hold. So, soon the sisters get into a disagreement of whether or not to let the devil in and when that happens Alice, the younger twin, start doing things that can get Lia killed. Their father who had died at the beginning of the book left them a list of names which both girls are after, but neither of them can find it. Not much later Lia gets a little visit from the devil himself, he says that if she doesn't let him into the human world everything will be destructed, obviously its the other way around, after that she knows she must find that list fast because of his push to get in. Soon Alice goes a little to far with her threats and someone dies from it, of course Alice says "I didn't mean to!" while everyone is crying.

The book was just so great that i couldn't put it down, but honestly i would give it a true 4 stars. It wasnt perfect but it was just a great book, just a little reminder that it will take me a little longer than usual to finish these also i love reading those comments you leave and if you have any book suggestions let me know and i will get to them soon.